Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Why Start This Blog?

When it all comes down to it, geography excites me. More than any other subject, it never fails to keep me interested. I like the ‘field work’ too; further evidenced by the fact that it is not only top notch destinations such as Maui, Alaska or Iceland which I enjoy exploring. I have had wonderful experiences everywhere from Sherman, Texas, the seemingly unremarkable Stuckenborstel, Germany to a small town I cannot recall the name of near the Blue Mountains of Australia. It is all about the experience. Really, no matter where you go, as long as it is say 25 minutes from home, it becomes a trek or adventure. Things go wrong, unexpectedly good things happen, your prejudices about a place are constantly shattered (‘I can-not believe this view is in Oklahoma of all places’) Very few places on the planet have nothing to do.
I remember as a kid reading as many geography books as I could. Many times I would find myself looking at pictures of a place and thinking People really live there? What do people think about living in Indiana or Australia or Poland? So why not write about geography? For sure, my main areas of interest are:
North America:
  • Lowland Desert Southwest
  • California
  • Great Plains
  • Pacific Northwest
  • Northern Europe
  • Russia
Of course I am interested in other places as well but the places above are my favorites. And I have been to all of them save Russia. The Archaeology, botany and history of various regions interest me as well.
I hope to share as many of my discoveries as possible through this blog and would appreciate feedback as well!
-Caleb Golston, Geography Blog

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